Matthew is a true pride of mine due to the fact that he may look like his dad but boy does he act like me! He has my additude and my personality of being on the go and into every thing. He butts heads with his dad because we are so much a like and that means Stubborn. LOL he is a beautiful person inside and out. He is in to the skateboard style of living with the true meaning of BOY> He is 7 and has his sense of style down to the tee. He loves Soccer and Baseball. He just finished the first Grade where he made A Honor Roll all year! he was perfect attendance and got lots of end of the year awards. His teacher Mrs. Anthony gave the kids an award for her own description on the last day of the year, Where she gave him the COOL DUDE AWARD. She said that he is always the kid the kids thought was cool and loved. She said that he never failed to have his rings and chains on him. He was always Styling. That's Matt alright. He makes me proud and is so easy to love. He never fails to be the tough boy but let me reassure you he is so sensitive at heart. I love Him.....He enjoys Golfing running and riding his four wheeler. He is a PlayStation freak and is truly talented in what he puts his mind to. I am so proud of who he is and what he loves in life. He is a great big brother and friend. WE ARE VERY PROUD OF HIM!!!!