MY 29th B-day

swimming at Aunt Jennifer's

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Boys

The Boys !! Now you might understand the title Meredith Madness.

Okay the truth is their not the madness the whole getting it together is. Who ever thinks being a mom is an easy thing to do has lost their mind. I have the best boys and sometimes i feel like i cant keep it together. Between soccer, base ball, work * 2 Jobs* and being a mom and wife and Friend and cleaning a house and just taking a deep breath. See what i am mean i am worn out just telling you about it. But I will say that who ever said that your children are your paying for your actions as a child lied. I was not the best but i had my moments growing up but let me tell you i was let off the hook with these two. They keep me grounded, at the end of the day if they realize that i haven't completed what i needed to do they still hug me and say I LOVE YOU MOM!!! And truth is who cares is they wore a dirty jersey to the next game *luckily they haven't* or had ice cream for Breakfast * for some reason Bailey G. and Kim M.* frowned at me for, they are happy healthy and full of life. So somewhere in my MADNESS they are ok.

camping 2008

slide show