The Boys !! Now you might understand the title Meredith Madness.
Okay the truth is their not the madness the whole getting it together is. Who ever thinks being a mom is an easy thing to do has lost their mind. I have the best boys and sometimes i feel like i cant keep it together. Between soccer, base ball, work * 2 Jobs* and being a mom and wife and Friend and cleaning a house and just taking a deep breath. See what i am mean i am worn out just telling you about it. But I will say that who ever said that your children are your paying for your actions as a child lied. I was not the best but i had my moments growing up but let me tell you i was let off the hook with these two. They keep me grounded, at the end of the day if they realize that i haven't completed what i needed to do they still hug me and say I LOVE YOU MOM!!! And truth is who cares is they wore a dirty jersey to the next game *luckily they haven't* or had ice cream for Breakfast * for some reason Bailey G. and Kim M.* frowned at me for, they are happy healthy and full of life. So somewhere in my MADNESS they are ok.