Aaron there is not much to say about this handsome guy except PERFECT! He is 6 years old and he is just wonderful. He is a daddy's boy and he is a lover. When he smiles you cant say no, he is so charming and love able to everyone. he also plays soccer but he really enjoys singing. if you play a song whether its soulja boy to akon this kid hears the lyrics and spits them back out atcha he is so fun to spend time with. This past year he has decided that dancing is what he loves. NO not sissy girl dancing but true hip hop dancing. He has come out of his shell. He is so smart and let me tell ya he hears everything. He is the son that you are thanking god everyday that you were given due to his comfort and compassion in life. He makes friends with a stranger. He may look more like me but he is a true image of his dad. He doesn't mind staying home and just chillin. He just graduated from Kindergarten where i must say he looked good in that cap and gown. He too had great grades all year and perfect attendance. He is enjoying his best friend Logan that he has been in pre-k and Kindergarten with and if i am lucky first grade. IS THERE ANYONE CUTER THAN THIS CHILD? He has a cat named scatchy * that was given before i had him completely declawed* Aaron is the most the definition behind PRIDE!!!